TECH_Fall Learning at Fund Futures
December 20, 2017AS PUBLISHED ON LEARNOGRAPHY BLOG - October 19, 2017
This fall presented not only my favourite coffee choices (which I look forward to all year long), but also a very exciting learning opportunity. It was back-to-school for me as I was able to participate in a 6-week program through Interactive Ontario called Fund Futures. The program is all about taking Ontario’s emerging interactive digital media companies to the next level and it was a great pleasure to represent Learnography in this space.
The five focused sessions (covering everything from business operations to creative direction) were very cohesive and made for a great learning path throughout the six weeks. But the really wonderful thing about the program is that I learned so much from the other participants involved. Our small crew of six focused on interactive products ranging from gaming apps, web series, to virtual and interactive documentaries. We each had to bring one project to the table and throughout the program, we workshopped our respective projects through the focused sessions. It was amazing to see from beginning to end how all of our projects iterated and evolved.
There is definitely something to be said for this sort of project-based learning. Not only do you learn fundamentals, you really see something tangible evolve through the process. You walk away from that learning with actionable next steps. I’m a big fan of the maker movement and find that programs that act as incubators, such as the Fund Futures program, really are flipping traditional education on its head. The hands-on practicality of project-based learning increases engagement and allows learners to problem solve, edit, revise, and reflect on high quality problems, ultimately leaving with actionable skills and a great product.
Author - Lauralee Sheehan, Chief Creative Officer (CCO)
Blog Cover Photo - mike-dorner-173502-unsplash